Environment | URL |
UAT | GET https://directory-uat.mi-cie.org/v1/servicesorganizations/{id} GET https://directory-uat.mi-cie.org/v1/servicesorganizations |
Production | GET https://directory.mi-cie.org/v1/servicesorganizations/{id} GET https://directory.mi-cie.org/v1/servicesorganizations/ |
Swagger Definitions
The following are the URLs for this API.
Environment | URL |
UAT | https://directory-uat.mi-cie.org/v1/swagger#/servicesorganizations/get{organization_servicesid} https://directory-uat.mi-cie.org/v1/swagger#/services/get_services__serviceId_organizations |
The following will be headers that will need to be supplied
Data Element | Description | Default | |
Path Parameter | |||
| This will be the service organization id of the requested record in the directory. *Please note that this is only needed if you want to get a specific service organization payload for a ID. | ||
Query String | |||
| A query parameter that will filter out the services organizations that will be returned. This is an json object and The following lists commonly used query strings used for this API https://brightstreetgroup.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CIEP/pages/15767633931580269590/services#Commonorganizations#Common-Queries | ||
| This will be which page of data that the user wants to be returned. | Default to Page 1 | |
| This will be the number of records that can be queried at a time. The maximum that can be queried is 100. | Default to 10 | |
This will allow the data to be returned in a certain order. Currently the only order by that has been implemented is distance from a passed in variable. Here are examples that can be passed in Code Block | | DESC or ASC default is ASC | |
| Can be sorted by any root field. |
Anchor | ||||