The following is a description of a CarePlan that can be submitted to the Community of Information Exchange. This resouce represent the patients needs that are determined during social navigation that are given to the patient. For detailed information please visit the HL7 FHIR page
The following are operations that can be performed and links to
Submit a new CarePlan
Get a FHIR CarePlan by patient Id
Sample CarePlan Object
{ "activity": [ { "reference": { "reference": "ServiceRequest/2348336f-7247-4b71-a145-633ee7d055d4" } } ], "category": [ { "coding": [ { "code": "NEED", "display": "This is a client need", "system": "" } ], "text": "Child Care" } ], "contributor": [ { "display": "Megan Janik", "reference": "Practitioner/8de6b5a8-e58a-422c-82e9-b03f9089a307" } ], "created": "2024-07-26T13:57:38-04:00", "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueString": "Resolution in progress" } ], "id": "883dfb1c-3c62-4de9-8d25-87174811e9db", "intent": "plan", "meta": { "lastUpdated": "2024-07-26T17:57:40.152915+00:00", "versionId": "MTcyMjAxNjY2MDE1MjkxNTAwMA" }, "resourceType": "CarePlan", "status": "active", "subject": { "display": "Katie Wenzel", "reference": "Patient/f525c96c-b57c-412b-a732-30554d151777" } }