Get a list of services filtered by location area (zip code, city, county) and taxonomy term

Get a list of services filtered by location area (zip code, city, county) and taxonomy term


The following use case will retrieve a list of service locations based on a location area.
In the example we use a zip code to filter services.

Quote of Use Case

“I would like to get a list of all services that serve zip code 49456”

Step 1 - Get an access token

This will retrieve an access token from CIE Identity Provider. Please note that if the system has already retrieved a access token that has not yet expired then that existing unexpired token can be used with other calls. An access token is valid for 24 hours after it has been minted. The following explains on how to get Authorization

Step 2 - Call [GET /services/areas] Get a list of valid service area terms

The social services directory tags each service by an area which can be used to filter the results of the Call. The following will get a list of searchable areas. Note that area terms change infrequently ; it may not be necessary to refresh the list of valid areas every time a request is being made for resource information.

Example CURL

curl -X 'GET' \ 'https://directory-uat.mi-cie.org/v1/services/areas' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'x-api-key: ZGV2ZWxv******OTg2ODhlMDY4ZGNk' \ -H 'authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJsYmFFa05FR25XbWJ4****sccMLjqZxd_HtCudVAPbqdNS_e_w' Request URL


The following is a sample response. These taxonomy IDs (e.g., BD-1800.2000) can be used to filter the query to only resources that provide certain specific services (e.g., food pantries)

[ { "id": 196, "type": "city", "name": "Grand Rapids", } { "id": 200, "type": "zipcode", "name": "49456" } ]


‘zipcode’ filters will return:

  1. all services matched to that specific zip code

  2. all services matched to the city where that zip code resides

  3. all services matched to the county where that zip code resides

  4. services matched to a special region at the zipcode or a larger region including the zipcode

  5. all state wide services

‘city’ filters will return:

  1. all services matched to any zip code contained within the city

  2. all services matched to that specific city

  3. all services matched to the county where that city resides

  4. services matched to a special region within the city or a larger region including the city

  5. all state wide services

'county' filters will return:

  1. all services matched to any zip code contained within the county

  2. all services matched to any city contained within the county

  3. all services matched to that specific county

  4. services matched to a special region within the county or a larger region including the county

  5. all state wide services

Step 3 - Call [GET /services] or [GET /services/complete] with the filter query string parameter.

Now that we have the area, we can create the query.

The area query can be made against both endpoints. [GET /services] or [GET /services/complete]

To filter only on area the query will be: {"$area": {"type":"zipcode", "name":"49456"}}

Area and Taxonomy term query can be made against both endpoints [GET /services/complete] [GET /services]
Filter area and taxonomy term: {"$area": {"type":"city", "name":"detroit", "$table.field":[{"service_taxonomy.taxonomy_detail": "Tutoring Services"}]}}

Filter area and sub category:{"$area": {"type":"zipcode", "name":"49534", "$table.field":[{"service_taxonomy.subcategory": "Medical Appointments Transportation"}]}}

Filter area and category: {"$area": {"type":"city", "name":"detroit", "$table.field":[{"service_taxonomy.category": "transportation"}]}}

The table.field array can take any number of fields. Services will return that satisfy all conditions within the table.field array. (The table.field array joins conditions with AND, not OR)
Filter area with multiple taxonomy fields: {"$area": {"type":"county", "name":"monroe", "$table.field":[{"service_taxonomy.subcategory": "Medical Appointments Transportation"}, {"service_taxonomy.category": "transportation"}]}}

curl -X 'GET' \ 'https://directory-dev.mi-cie.org/v1/services/complete?query=%7B%22%24area%22%3A%20%5B%7B%22service_taxonomy.taxonomy_id%22%3A%20%22BD-1800.2000%22%7D%2C%20%7B%22physical_address.postal_code%22%3A%20%2249456%22%7D%5D%7D' \ -H 'accept: application/json' \ -H 'x-api-key: ZGV2ZWxvcG1******tOTg2ODhlMDY4ZGNk' \ -H 'authorization: Bearer eyJraWQiOiJsYmFFa05F***hmsrnqPtCIqhR8-gg'



The following is a sample response from the query




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