Referral Export Data Dictionary
The following describes the columns that will be in the referral export. Each row in the file represents one referral. The row will have the Service Request, Patient, and any observations that were collected when creating the referral. Note that we are using the term Patient to identify person being referred or consuming the service, but in cases of social services, it is any community member whether they are a patient of a health care provider or not.
Column Name | Description | Required |
Event | This is the event that identifies how the data in the row was generated. This will be ServiceRequest_v2 for Referrals. |
servicerequest_requester_type | This identifies the type of requestor for the referral. This can be an organization or a person |
servicerequest_requester_display | This is the name of the organization or the person that requested this service Request |
servicerequest_status | The status of the service request at the time of the export |
servicerequest_category_code | This is metadata that further describes the service request. This is a code |
servicerequest_category_display | This is metadata that further describes the service request. This is a description of the code above |
servicerequest_category_system | This is the category system that matches the code in the category_code. This could be loinc, snowmed, or a code |
servicerequest_id | This is the hub’s unique identifier for the servicerequest. This will be a GUID. |
servicerequest_code | This is the code that reflects the type of service request. | |
servicerequest_code_display | This is the description of the servicerequest_code. | |
servicerequest_code_system | This is the coding system being used to supply a code. This could be loinc or gravity. | |
servcierequest_authoredon | The date and time the service request was created. | |
servicerequest_performer_display | This is the name of the Organization or person that is performing the service request |
servicerequest_perform_type | This is the type of the performer of the service request this can be a organization, person, or practitioner |
patient_id | The hub’s unique id of the patient/community member |
patient_name_given | The given name of the patient. | |
patient_name_family | The family name of the patient. | |
patient_name_middle | The middle name of the patient | |
patient_gender | The gender of the patient |
patient_mobile_phone | The mobile phone of the patient |
patient_home_phone | The home phone number of the patient |
patient_email | The email of the patient |
patient_sms | The mobile phone number for texting with the patient |
patient_address_0_line_0 | The address of the patient and the first line of the address. This is an array which has been flattened. So if there are more then one then it will have a address_1 and so on. |
patient_address_0_line_1 | The address of the patient and the second line of the address. This is an array which has been flattened. So if there are more then one then it will have a address_1 and so on. |
patient_address_0_city | The city of the patient. This is an array which has been flattened. So if there are more then one then it will have a address_1 and so on. |
patient_address_0_state | The state of the patient. This is an array which has been flattened. So if there are more then one then it will have a address_1 and so on. |
patient_address_0_postalcode | The postal code of the patient. This is an array which has been flatten. So if there are more then one then it will have a address_1 and so on. |
patient_birthDate | The birth date of the patient |
patient_us_core_race_0_value_string | The race of the patient |
patient_military_service_veteran_status_0_value_boolean | The veteran status of the patient. This will be a yes or no. |
patient_patient_preferenceType_0_value_string | The preference type of communication either email, phone, or text. |
obs__MI211-29222-9__Household Receiving SNAP Benefits | This is the answer for the question “Does the community member currently receive FAP/SNAP benefits?“ that was on the form. |
obs__I-63__Screened_For_SNAP | This is the answer for the question “Has the client been screened for SNAP eligibility and been referred to apply?“ that was on the form. |
obs__89569-8__ransportation_Access | This is the answer for the question “Does the caller have access to transportation?“ that was on the form. |
obs__83977-9__Need_ Preference | This is the answer for the question “For food assistance in Kent county, which do you prefer:“ that was on the form. The following are the valid values
Here is a example CSV file