Use Case - Query a list of ServiceRequests assigned to a Partner
The following use case will allow a partner to query for a list of ServiceRequests that were assigned to them by the CIE Hub. Currently, a Michigan 211 call center agent can create and assign a ServiceRequest to a partner. In this situation the Hub will create a ServiceRequest with the performer field set to the partner Organization.
Resources that will be returned in this example
Resource | Description | FHIR Reference |
ServiceRequest | This represents the Request from a partner system. The performer of this ServiceRequest should be your organization. | |
Patient | Represents information on the person that has be referred by the partner organization. | |
Procedure | If the referring partner had made any other referrals during the process of creating the Service Request they will be found in the Procedure resources. For example if the client was referred to a food pantry during this ServiceRequest that will represented by a Procedure resource. |
Performer Attribute
The performer attribute holds the information of the organization that is performing the service. The data can be stored in two different approaches. One approach is using and integrating the social services directory id’s. The other approach is to use a ID that is CIE Hub ID.
The following is a example of a performer attribute that is filled in
//The following example shows using the Social Services Directory
"performer": [
"extension" : [
"url" : "",
"valueString": "24828"
//The following example shows using CIE Hub ID.
"performer": [
"display": "United Way",
"reference": "Organization/39", // This will be the ID that is given during Setup
"type": "Organization"
Example of search
The following search will get a list of the current active ServiceRequests that are assigned to the partner organization and also return the list of Patients that correspond to those ServiceRequests and any resources that the service request was based on.
// Example of a search using the CIE Organization ID
// Example of a search using Social Services Directory ID
The result of this query would be a bundle of resources. Here is a link for a example on the FHIR site of a bundle search response.
Bundle-example.json - FHIR v6.0.0-ballot2
CIE Hub Example of ServiceRequest
"authoredOn": "2023-07-18T10:40:53-04:00",
"category": [
"coding": [
"code": "transportation-insecurity",
"display": "Transportation Insecurity",
"system": ""
"code": "GeneratedRideUnitedForm_v2",
"display": "Ride United Enrollment",
"system": ""
"code": {
"coding": [
"code": "RideUnitedEnrollment_v2",
"display": "Ride United Enrollment",
"system": ""
"id": "569b48af-408b-4d50-83a4-89e6bbb7e2e4",
"intent": "original-order",
"meta": {
"lastUpdated": "2023-07-18T14:40:55.444498+00:00",
"performer": [
"display": "United way of South East Michigan",
"reference": "Organization/UWSEM",
"type": "Organization"
"requester": {
"display": "Samaritas",
"reference": "Organization/fa4e217e-38fa-4aeb-9e2d-938422aa3948",
"type": "Organization"
"resourceType": "ServiceRequest",
"status": "active",
"subject": {
"display": "Steve Winwood",
"reference": "Patient/e4744733-9061-478f-bd6a-84f75df90c66"
CIE Example of a Patient
The following is a example of a patient
CIE Example of a Procedure