CIE Hub Integration - Playbook
For partners that wish to submit or receive a Service Request using the CIE Hub this playbook will explain the requirements needed for partners who wish to provide the user interface functionality for that functionality.
Integration Use Cases
The requirements can be broken down into four main use cases. Below is a brief description of each use case with a main flow of the user case following.
As a partner of the CIE Hub I want to submit an electronic referral on behalf of a community member to request support to that community member.
User selects a organization’s service through the MI211 directory
User fills out the community members information including Name, contact phone number, address (optional)
User system calls the Patient POST API
User fills out the Service Request providing a category and code that describes the request
User system calls the CIE Bundle API with the Service Request and any observations
As a partner of CIE Hub I want to receive a list of electronic referrals that have been designated for my organization to service by contacting the community member and providing support.
User selects to get a list of Service Requests that are assigned to them.
Call the CIE Hub API to get the ServiceRequests
As a partner of the CIE Hub I want to update the status of the Service Request to provide a update to the sender of the Service Request.
User selects the Service Request to update
User selects the status from a drop down
Call CIE Hub API to update the Service Request
As a partner of the CIE Hub I want to get information on a Service Request that I have submitted to the CIE Hub.
User selects the Service Request that was submitted
Call the CIE Hub API to get the Service Request
Show the user the information
Use Case - Submit an electronic Service Requests
The following link describes this use case.
Use Case - Submit a New ServiceRequest
Use Case - Receive a list of Service Request
The following link describes this use case
Use Case - Query a list of ServiceRequests assigned to a Partner
Use Case - Query List of Service Requests
The following link describes the technical integration for this use case.
Use Case - Query a list of ServiceRequests assigned to a Partner
Use Case - Update the status of a Service Request
The following link describes the technical integration for this use case.